
A Superhuman is someone who refuses to be average.

It's up and down right now with all that is going on in our lives. I feel as if I am floundering around with no direction.Maybe when I chose the name of my mini enterprise, it was a foreshadowing of emotions to come. For all those out of the loop, I have recently joined the ranks of the unemployed. The worst part of my life right now is that Mark is watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and while I am normally all about some man humor (having a hormone imbalence) this is pretty much the worst movie ever. It's not funny. at. all. so. far. and i find it utterly distracting and definitely no Mall Rats.

This is the first time in my life that I am actually searching for a job... or something that I want to do for the rest of my life. I have always had great luck and no shortage when it came to jobs before, and this has really made me have to stop and think about what it is I want to do. I will admit the time off has been refreshing, but there is always a quick change in the wind that leads from refreshing to freaked out. It's times like these that make me miss thinking that fairies lived in tiny flowers and my biggest fear was that there was someone under my bed at night writing down everytime I took a breath. Now it's turning off my cable... which is scarier than it sounds. Not as scary as how stupid this movie is, but pretty scary. I know that trimming the fat down to necessities is a lot more than some, and I know that there are worse situations in the world. I know there are people hurting and scared more so than I will ever be. It's just that I always thought that I'd be doing something that helped me make a difference in those people's lives. I know that I still can help people, but it's much easier with financial backing and the fact that it's my job. I'll be honest... It's really hard for me to collect my thoughts and write about something meaningful with this trash droning on and on in the background, so i'll end here.

I'm just trying to push past average, find my superpowers, and move on.


  1. If it helps Stacy I am much older than you and had a conversation with a college age guy the other day who was frustrated with the fact that he just didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. My response to him is my response to you.... "It will be ok,,I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!" Love you!

  2. Raja: Well--hm. There's the Sphinx, of course.
    Furious: The what?
    Raja: The Sphinx.
    Shoveler: I know this guy. Big crime fighter from down south. Big-
    league hitter down there.
    Furious: What's his power?
    Raja: Well, he's terribly mysterious.
    Furious: That's it? That's his power? He's mysterious?
    Raja: Well...terribly mysterious.
    Shoveler: Plus, he can like, cut guns in half with his mind.
    Raja: Really?
    Shoveler: I think.
    Raja: I hadn't heard that.
    Shoveler: We'll have to track this Sphinx guy down.
